Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wedding season allergies

I'm SO glad I wasn't at an outdoor wedding today. The pollen count was insanely high, and I found out at www.nasal-allergies.com that tomorrow is going to be worse. Bookmark this website so that you can check on the 4-day allergen forecast for your area, and talk to your doctor about the best course of treatment for you. As an allergy sufferer, I've already spoken to my florist about the best choices of flowers for my bouquet (it's trumpet-shaped flowers all the way) -- and all decor flowers will be from the 'safe list' of blooms so that both Joe and I can enjoy our day without allergy problems. I'll have an article up soon on the safest, non-pollen flowers to use on your wedding day, so keep an eye out for my update in the near future...