Monday, January 14, 2008

Catch me in The New York Times

Whew! What a weekend! A great review of my book "The Bride's Diplomacy Guide" appeared in the Style section of The New York Times:, and I got to celebrate my niece's 13th birthday at a brunch in Hoboken. She lives in Tennessee, so I don't get to see her very much, but it was a thrill to have her dash across the restaurant to give me a big hug. No surly teenager stuff with her. She's a good soul, one of those gems in her generation who you know is going to do great things in this world.

Speaking of doing great things, Joe and I went out to celebrate my recent appearances on GMA and Get Married with an hibachi dinner in town, which I'm mentioning to remind you to plan date nights with your groom! With all the wedding talk swirling and your big day approaching, it's important to connect and just be a couple in love, step away from all that's going on in your world and go on A Date.